Monday, August 19, 2013

The Concept of Spiritual Energy


Energy is one of those concepts that is very broad. There are many forms of energy but this post will concentrate on Spiritual Energy. To begin, let's take a look at the definition of "energy" first:

1 a : dynamic quality <narrative energy>
   b : the capacity of acting or being active <intellectual energy>
   c : a usually positive spiritual force <the energy flowing through all people>
2 : vigorous exertion of power : effort <investing time and energy>
3 : a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work
4 : usable power (as heat or electricity); also : the resources for producing such power

-Source: Merriam-Webster

As I venture on my journey of searching my spiritual path, I have to readjust and reinvent myself and many concepts that I used to live by or neglect. One of this concepts is Energy. My past religious background did not embrace spiritual energy whatsoever, it just didn't exist. Energy was merely perceived as the scientific aspect and there was no thought or process that involved any other type of it. Now that I'm learning new things as well as experimenting, I find that I have to re-examine the subject and give it a new meaning in my life.

Taking a bit from the definition I provided above, I consider energy in two ways:

1. Positive Energy
2. Negative Energy

This is not to be confused with "good" or "bad" energy. I will explain that later on. I've come to the realization that there are energetic forces in nature and in the universe that flow and create certain results depending on how they interact. It's hard to explain because it's not something tangible but its effects can be seen everywhere. Have you ever felt a "negative" or "positive" vibe from someone or something? That's energy. It flows and manifests through everything. Have you ever felt like your mind is connected to something or someone? That's energy. There are millions of examples of energy everywhere, you just have to look.

Now, as I stated before I see energy in two ways but there's a difference in calling them positive and negative instead of "good or bad". I will explain this with an example:

Lets say that you applied for a job and you really, really want that job because it's great for you but you find out someone else got the job. You could say that this was a bad situation that affected you in a bad way but let's say that a week later you found another job which was better than the first one and you applied for it and got it. Would the first job situation still be "bad"? Of course not, it actually turned out to be a good situation for you because had you taken that first job you wouldn't have gotten the better one afterwards.  

Now, if you said that the first situation was a "negative" one, then it would be different. Not everything that is negative is bad. Think about blood testing, negative is good when it comes to detecting a disease. Positive and negative only mean the direction that the situation is going. If it's going in the way you want it to then it's positive, if not then it's negative but as I stated in the job example, negative can sometimes mean good. That's why I don't see the concept of energy as good or bad, rather positive or negative.

Did I explain that well enough? I hope I did.

Spiritual energy is just the direction in which you or the forces of nature are guided towards. Energy flows in every which way and sometimes it works in favor and other times it doesn't. It all depends on what you're looking for and how you're looking for it. As this is a new concept for me and as I keep thinking and coming to these type of conclusions, everything's becoming more clear by the minute and it makes sense to me.

Now, you can take positive/negative energy and make it a good energy and spread that around in your life and it will keep flowing throughout the universe. Rid yourself of past anger, animosity, hatred and fill yourself with peace, love and calmness. Let the energy flow as it may and then take it one step at a time. 

I hope you enjoyed this post.

Until next time.

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*The information on this blog is my personal opinion based on experience and research. Every post has a source link for credit purposes, should it contain material from other sources. I'm not an expert on any of the subject matters discussed herein and I'm not responsible for the material offered in the websites linked as sources.* 

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